Fairytale feast in Oti agapo

<p>[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]</p> <p>we will be transformed into several fairy-tale characters, we will play, dance, paint and sing! Through dance and play with movement and music, children cultivate their imagination and creativity, discover their own personal way of movement and learn to recognize and respect the diversity of each one.</p> <p>Musical kinetics<br /> Based on the music-kinetic education that has as a beginning the acquaintance of our young friends with the music through the movement and the senses of the game each child can experience and experience the rhythm, develop his attention, concentration and memory, to socialize, to use his body as a sound source, to develop motor skills, to consolidate musical concepts through movement and to develop his creativity and imagination.</p> <p>The target is the children:</p> <ul> <li>to discover ways to express their feelings through the movement,</li> <li>to develop the sense of space, time and rhythm,</li> <li>to cultivate their creativity and imagination,</li> <li>learn to collaborate and act as a member of a group.</li> <li>to show and share the way of their work (final performance), with their loved ones.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Pedagogic significance of fairy tale</strong><br /> <strong>Only with fairy tales are the people (G. Tsarouchis)</strong><br /> <strong>The Red Riding Hood was my first love (Dickens).</strong></p> <p>The magic of fairy tales lies in the fact that, although their plot is simple and simple, they have the ability to enchant and teach a lot to children. This is why they often want to read them again and again, giving them a different, new interpretation each time depending on how they feel at that moment.<br /> In tales that always have a happy and optimistic end, we come across creatures living in fantasy, in a world that man can not control. The fairytales operate in a magical space, free from the limits of time, where all the heroes are either humans, animals or elements of nature can change their appearance without losing their true identity.</p> <p>The fairy tales have a touching and romantic charm and each time they deal with the experiences of a hero who has such features that the child can easily identify with him. Because we can not know at what age a particular fairy tale is important to every child, we can not decide on our own what fairy tale we must say at a certain moment and why. This can be decided by the child himself and revealed by the way he responds to the narrative of a fairy tale.</p> <p>Also, do not explain to the child why a fairytale is so dear to him. It is likely to ruin the charm and magic of history, which depends to a large extent on the fact that the child does not know why she likes it. It is very important to know that when a fairytale loses its ability to enchant, it also loses its ability to help the child fight and solve the problem that made history make sense for that.</p> <p>Adult interpretations, however good they may be, steal from the child the ability to feel that by listening to his favorite fairy tale repeatedly he will be able to rethink the story and deal successfully with a difficult situation.</p> <p>The child matures discovering the meaning of life and feels greater internal security because he understood and solved personal problems alone and not because you explained it to him.</p> <p>But let's look at the pedagogic significance of the fairy tales in more detail:</p> <ul> <li>A key role of fairy tales is entertainment. The child moves into a fantastic world where he is entertained and forgotten by the adventures of the heroes and so is satisfied and sleeps quietly.</li> <li>An even more important role of fairy tales is moral education. The advantages of moral behavior are not presented as abstract moral concepts, but instead they are indirectly shown by showing the child what is right.</li> <li>At the same time, fairy tales seriously address the existential anxieties and dilemmas of the child and address them directly. Simply put, they address the need to love, in love for life and the fear of death.</li> <li>The structure of fairy tales offers the child images that offer new dimensions in his imagination, which he would in fact find it difficult to discover by himself. With these images, the child can dream and navigate better in his life.</li> <li>The happy end thankes the child and shows the feeling of optimism and victory. Thus, he learns that whatever happens, whatever threatening forces appear, there are other forces that can help if asked.</li> <li>The child perceives the difference between courage and cowardice and understands that intelligence can be used as a weapon against power.</li> <li>Most stories try to convey the following message in various ways: the struggle against serious difficulties in life is inevitable because it is an essential part of human existence. If, then, one wants to overcome all the obstacles in order to be a winner, he must fight and not be calm.</li> <li>The child is relieved of fears, anxiety and anxiety, because through the fairy tales he observes in a way of surveillance and documentary the traditional confrontation between good and evil. And in fairy tales, evil is neutralized and good triumphs. This will help the child confront life with confidence in order to be able to dominate the difficulties.</li> <li>Practically, in all fairy tales, good and evil coexist taking the form of some people and their actions, just as in life, where good and evil are always present and the momentum to them exists in every person. The child learns that we are not always good or bad and this poses the moral problem that requires struggle to resolve it.</li> <li>Identifying the child with the hero helps to eliminate feelings of isolation and loneliness. At the same time, monitoring the hero's effort to discover its true value helps the child discover his inner world and mature.</li> </ul> <p>[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]</p>