Χρόνια πολλά – Ευτυχισμένο το Νέο Έτος!
Οι μαθητές του “ό,τι αγαπώ” υποδέχτηκαν τον χειμώνα με χαρά και ανυπομονησία για να γιορτάσουν την εορταστική περίοδο με τον
The nursery is a reality in the life of the child and the family and a very important step in the life of both. It is the time of the first separation from home and the moment of joining the first social context.
Kindergarten: when and where my child should go
The nursery is a reality in the life of the child and the family and a very important step in the life of both. It is the time of the first separation from home and the moment of joining the first social context.
Parents are almost always anxious and troubled and pose a lot of questions and thoughts about this decision.
Nursery or home?
Should I leave my job?
When is it better?
What am I going to do with illnesses?
What are its advantages?
Which station to go? Has a doctor?
Will she eat well? How to adapt?
What information should I give about my child or my family and to whom?
These are some of the questions I hear parents ask their pediatrician, who is currently the closest family professional. So I will try to propose solutions or direct your thinking to find your best solution.
I mean, that there is absolutely no right or absolutely wrong. There is our own right, based on our views on upbringing, economic opportunities, working conditions, our experiences, our strengths, the health of family or child members, family relationships, maturity of the child.
Whatever solution, however, we need to know why and how to support it with stability to make it better for our child. Because parents often have an ambivalence in their decision and in the first difficulty regress, with usually a negative result for the child.
Operation of kindergartens
In all kindergartens children are divided into small groups with age criteria usually. So there are:
Infant departments
Postgraduate departments
Pre-pre-infant departments
Pre-infant departments and
Nursery departments
In recent years, kindergarten education is compulsory and some kindergartens are not allowed to provide it. So you should be informed about this before you enroll your child somewhere. Sometimes it can be judged that a child will be helped more in a group of younger children, so the subject is discussed with parents or experts, explaining the reasons.
Educational staff are usually graduates of public or private organizations with a minimum of two years’ attendance.
In most stations pedagogues are not graduates of TEI or University or there is only one in a central position. In some, the staff has a very small work experience and in others it is constantly changing. It is good to be aware of the education, experience and stability of the pedagogues.
Usually in each class there are more than 10 children with a primary educator and an assistant. There is a program of training, eating, physical activity, relaxation.
Activities are individual or group based on age. Most stations have organized daily programs that meet the development needs of all ages. Programs are sometimes rigid and sometimes not complied.
It is good to insist on it. Every age needs a program, with a pedagogical goal, stable and flexible at the same time. Stiffness or chaos do not help children.
Well-organized stations have operating rules, which are communicated to parents, with information on:
Working hours
Children’s transport conditions
Educational programme
Educational trips
Way of parenting-pedagogue communication
Treatment of illness
If it does not, ask for information about it all. In most – especially nursery – there is (and according to law) a pediatrician, who visits each week or more diligently the station and carries out various aspects of children’s health and safety and / or their diet.
It is advisable to be interested in the safety of the building and the equipment (stairs, glazing, courtyard, toilets, furniture, pedagogic material, fire safety, anti-seismic protection …) when taking information about a pre-school framework.
The Big Dilemma: Station or Home?
Many times this dilemma has no place because family conditions – labor, financial, emotional, non-existence of help – make the station’s solution unique.
And then we have to find a framework in which we trust our child and everything will go well.
But if the dilemma poses the need for education or co-existence with other children, then we need to know that by the age of 2.5 years it is better for each child.
Up to 2.5 years both from physical and emotional point of view, it is better
child to live in a stable, safe environment with a person ‘s own’ (grandmother or babysitter). At this age, children prefer individual engagement with them.
They prefer their place and respect for their own needs and rhythms more than ever.
From an educational point of view, in a home that addresses, talks and respects his biorhythms, the child has it all.
As for playing with other children, most of the time he is indifferent to him because he does not yet know how to collaborate and share.
His sociality helps him rather than just be there alone, or he enjoys co-existence with children in the presence of his parents. On the other hand, the daily ride on the playground and the encounter with the relatives arrive.
After 2.5 years, the child is ready, but not obliged to attend a kindergarten program.
After 3-3.5 years it becomes necessary. It is helped to acquire knowledge in a structured way and develop cognitive skills. Learn and enjoy through the activities of the kindergarten and free play.
Above all, however, he learns to socialize, to co-exist, to share, to cooperate, to enjoy. It learns to follow the rules and boundaries of the group, to discipline them, to socialize. Why the basic element of socialization is learning and accepting the rules of transaction within a group and respect for others but also for oneself.
And age is ready for them after 3 years. Its development skills only then help.
But the quality of the kindergarten is a prerequisite. Take care of her, especially because in younger ages the child is vulnerable.
I have seen families detailing in detail each lady who takes care of their child – and they do well – and trust one at the kindergarten. Will you often get sick by going to the kindergarten?
Illnesses are unfortunately a reality.
At any age, if he starts going to the kindergarten he will often get sick for at least the first year. Nasal secretions and cough, however, will be with you longer. This is because the child, by being exposed to viruses and germs, gradually builds immunity, acquires immune memory and only then does not often get sick afterwards.
It is therefore necessary to become a child strong. Growing in glass does not help.
So, do not be afraid of frequent infections – because it is basically a protection – unless your child knows about your child’s specific peculiarities. It is true, however, that after 3 years the immune system is more ready to deal with the illnesses and the child is less affected by them.
Thus, from this point of view, the age after 2.5 years is more appropriate for starting a childhood study
What should I see when I have to decide?
When you visit the nursery where you intend to send your child, you must visit all the places. See building facilities as well as teaching materials. Assess safety and cleanliness.
Evaluate class and decency. Personnel of staff and their expressions in your remark. You have to experience the climate somewhat. Is there affection and love or indifference? Is there tension in the space or maybe violence and how is it dealt with? Are children happy or stupid? You should see the ratio of children / staff.
This is different by age of child because different and needs are different. However, an ideal analogy, such as the American Pediatric Society, is:
Up to 2 years old, 3 children per 1 adult
2-3 years old, 4 children per 1 adult
3-4 years old, 7-8 children per 1 adult
4-5 years old, 9 children per 1 adult
Also, groups of children per class should be very small in the younger age and grow later. Thus, it is advisable to have 6 children in the group up to the age of 2 and reach a maximum of 20 children at the age of 5 years.
Larger groups can not work well and children are full of tension. I know these are in very few kindergartens. But I give you the information so you have a measure. Also worth seeing:
Are the games in good shape?
Are children supervised, especially in free play?
Is the outdoor space safe?
Is the preparation area of the food away from the toilets?
Are the baby changing areas or toilets and wash basins clean?
Are young supervised to sleep?
But also evaluate:
Do you feel comfortable in this place?
Are children motivated to act?
How are human relationships?
Child care is individual and not just teamwork?
How is the program maintained?
You need to know that not every station is good and you have to decide on it according to the specifications
Οι μαθητές του “ό,τι αγαπώ” υποδέχτηκαν τον χειμώνα με χαρά και ανυπομονησία για να γιορτάσουν την εορταστική περίοδο με τον
Το πρόγραμμα αγωγής υγείας με θέμα: «Υγεία και πρώτες βοήθειες στο νηπιαγωγείο!» εντάχθηκε στη θεματική ενότητα των Εργαστηρίων Δεξιοτήτων «Ζω
Τι είναι τα συναισθήματα; Τα συναισθήματα είναι οι αντιδράσεις που νιώθουμε μέσα μας σε όσα συμβαίνουν γύρω μας. Μας βοηθούν