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Adaptation to the kindergarten!

The first, official excursion to the outside world leads our child to the kindergarten. Find out everything you need to know to adapt, and we, too, without problems.

It’s time to open his wings for the first time and go to the “little school”. The kindergarten is a reality in modern society, either because Mom is working or because it’s time to socialize the child. In particular, working mothers are implicit in this situation. However, since we do not live in large families with courtyards and huts full of siblings, cousins ​​and neighborhood children, the kindergarten is an ideal solution. However, it is good to make it clear that the question “does my child have to go to the kindergarten?” There is no clear answer, there is no right or wrong. Every family operates on the basis of their own needs and desires. Surveys, however, show that children going to nurseries are more self-sufficient, independent and social, have richer vocabulary and more knowledge. They also adapt more easily to new situations, learn to share and acquire communication skills. Whatever your decision, it is important to support it with determination and without seemingly ambiguous, especially in front of the child. Otherwise, you will pass on your insecurity.

What is the right age?

As we mentioned above, the correct and the wrong thing about the subject is something completely subjective. Under “normal” conditions, it is good for the child to stay at home until the age of 2.5, as long as he is not ready to separate his home environment (his home or grandmother’s home) and especially his own persons (mom, grandmother or nanny). In addition, children under two years of age still need special care, and their social status has not yet developed. After his 2.5 years, however, the child is ready to follow the program of the kindergarten, which after many 3.5 years is considered by many to be necessary. However, proper timing may be affected by some particular family circumstances, such as the arrival of a new baby. In this case, be sure to send the “big” child to school at least six months before or six months after the birth of the baby.

How to prepare it

Adapting to school life is not an easy task either for the child or for the parent. That’s why it is very important to be sure of your decision, but also of choosing the kindergarten. This choice must be made exclusively by you. Only when you decide which is the right station for your child will you tell him: decisive, smiling and cheerful (no matter if you do not feel that way).

  • Stay mild and steady in your decision, because only this will help your child adapt to the new conditions. Adaptation is a process that wants its time and every child reacts differently.
  • So when you decide which station to send, visit him. Show him along with their teacher the spaces, the toys, the yard.
  • When you start getting permission from your job, why will you need the adaptation period to be close to the child. In the first two to three days, until you get used to space and people, you will need to be close to him. Then leave it for an hour alone, then for two, and so on.
  • Show courage, at least in front of him, if he’s crying, if he’s scratched or if he starts waking up at night. Any reaction is normal and transient. Show understanding, but also stability. Do not forget that the child is trying to join a new reality in the small society of the station. Like you have to accept this reality now that your little one opens his wings, and everything will go well.

With the collaboration of Maria Skapera (psychologist, educational counselor).


